92 results
BNP Paribas Real Estate’s Workplace Strategy team, alongside our Lease Advisory and Building Consultancy teams, partnered with Arval to deliver an award-winning office relocation to Think Park in Manchester.
The Bristol Planning team secured reserved matters planning consent for a new PBSA scheme in the heart of Bristol. This planning consent helped the University of Bristol (UoB) to progress another vital element of their new city centre campus.
We provide the Post Office with a range of services including a day-to-day Estates and Finance service, managing the relationship between landlords and client.
A joint venture between Blackstone and Hudson Pacific Properties, the acquisition of the 91-acre site located at Junction 25 of M25 Motorway, marks the partners’ first expansion of their Sunset Studios platform outside of the US.
We advised Aston University on a £25 million acquisition, securing a strategic freehold asset to support the university's long-term growth and property ambitions.
The University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH) portfolio contains some of the UK’s most high profile hospital buildings, which range from acute and non-acute hospitals, to health clinics.
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