etc.venues Limited - 133 Houndsditch, EC3 - 50,000 sq ft - D1 Lease Acquisition

Case Study

etc.venues Limited - 133 Houndsditch, EC3 - 50,000 sq ft - D1 Lease Acquisition

BNP Paribas Real Estate identified a rare opportunity, which fully met etc.venues’ brief.

The challenge

The client required good value and well-specified space, a change of use to D1, a large floor to ceiling height and clear runs of space. Easy access for large numbers of delegates at peak times was also essential.

The solution

We identified a sublet space which offered the right building fundamentals and negotiated two transactions; a sublet followed by a reversionary lease directly with the owner. Both completing simultaneously.

The transaction suited both the operational and financial requirements of the client and this venue is now their largest City location, which they are currently expanding by taking additional space.

etc.venues Limited - 133 Houndsditch, EC3 - 50,000 sq ft - D1 Lease Acquisition