Next X: unique location analysis model

The world is changing.


These changes impact our real estate landscape.


Political and economic shifts, advances in technology and environmental issues are just a few of the challenges facing the UK’s towns and cities.


By analysing an extensive range of metrics, Next X gives real estate decision makers a new lens through which to analyse and understand locations across the UK.

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NEXT X is unique location analysis model fully customisable to your real estate portfolio.



Whether you're an office occupier searching for skills hotspots, a retail investor looking for towns with the 'buzz' factor or an alternatives investor searching for suitable care homes locations, Next X can provide you with unique insights. 


Next X goes beyond traditional location analysis measures to give investors and occupiers new ways of looking at how UK towns and cities can help deliver their business strategies.




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Explore our four new pillars of location assessment

New Skills & Transition

Where is the workforce of the future?

To answer this, we’ve looked at entrepreneurship, innovation, resiliency and talent & skills.

  • Cambridge scores highly for innovation due to the high number of patent applications submitted
  • Oxford is home to a highly qualified workforce ranking it high on talent and skills
  • Dundee performs well on resiliency due to its high proportion of jobs at low risk from automation
New Skills & Transition
Health & Wellbeing

Health & Wellbeing

Which places are good for my quality of life?

We’ve assessed environmental challenges, commuting, health offer and quality of life.

  • Exeter and Bristol have seen high growth in the number of ultra-low emissions vehicles, pushing up their environment scores
  • Worthing’s health offer score received a boost from high levels of participants in park runs
  • Interestingly, residents in Crawley are the happiest!


Which places have the buzz factor?

To answer this, we’ve looked at unique offer, makers place, popularity and liveability.

  • York has the lowest crime severity score boosting its liveability score
  • Manchester is home to the highest proportion of gin distilleries and craft breweries
  • Residents in the South West and East of England volunteer the most
Real Estate & Infrastructure 2.0

Real Estate & Infrastructure 2.0

Which places are designing our future digital and physical landscapes?

We’ve assessed new housing & workplace solutions, connectivity, climate change response and rate of change.

  • Milton Keynes has the most car charging points pushing up its climate change response score
  • Manchester is home to a high level of BTR stock boosting its new housing solutions score
  • Doncaster is one of the cheapest places to use co-working space