Our Thoughts
Mon, 23/03/2020 - 12:00
· 1 min read

COVID-19 and Business Rates

The PM’s address last night in which he ordered a lockdown will inevitably result in many businesses closing their premises.

You are probably aware of Rishi Sunak’s emergency extension of the Retail Rate Relief scheme from 1 April 2020, which, (if approved by the EC) will not be subject to state aid limits. Non-retail occupiers are understandably aggrieved and we understand their despair.

At present the only obvious reliefs available to non-retail occupiers relate to empty rates. The law as it stands means ‘closed’ premises are not considered to be ‘unoccupied’: stock-in-trade, work in progress, finished products, personal belongings and general paraphernalia remain on site.

BNPPRE is making representations as well as seeking guidance from government as to a possible extension to the retail scheme, or other such solution in an attempt to ensure that all sectors get some form of rating relief at this unprecedented time.

As soon as there is clarity on this matter we let you know. The position is fluid and could change suddenly. In the meantime, we have produced a table summarising the current business rates as of 8 April 2020 which can be downloaded here


COVID-19 and Business Rates